On Sunday evening, Ukraine reportedly shot down a Russian Beriev A-50 airborne early warning and control jet, and an IIyushin Il-22M airborne command post. The A-50 was shot down in Zaporizhzhia’s Kyrylivka district while the Il-22M was struck over Kherson’s Strilkovo district along the Azov Sea coast. Reports indicate that both aircraft tried to land post-attack, but emergency services were only called by the Il-22M.
If true, the loss of the A-50 would deal a significant blow to the Russian Air Force, as it posseses only nine or ten of these jets, with only half of them being operational. The downings would also make flying Russian fighter jets closer to the Ukrainian airspace more difficult. Ukrainian forces have reportedly launched an anti-access counter-air campaign against the Russian air assets.
Both Russia and Ukraine have not officially confirmed the reports, but they have not denied them either. Ukrainian officials have hinted at the downings, without providing any specific details.