BALTIMORE–The Defense Department’s IT agency, led by Lt. Gen. Robert Skinner, is strengthening the military’s infrastructure to defend against potential attacks from China. China aims to disrupt day-to-day life in the U.S. during a conflict, focusing on information and economic disruption.
China’s “risk tolerance continues to change,” leading to more offensive cyber and space operations. Reports show China escalating ransomware attacks on infrastructure and civilian entities, indicating a shift from past espionage efforts.
Chinese leaders are taking more risks due to improved space-sensing capabilities, allowing them to monitor U.S. military forces more closely. The RAND report suggests that China is likely to launch riskier attacks on space communications and other areas in the future.
DISA is working to strengthen Pentagon defenses and improve IT infrastructure with data from across the department. Plans involve moving to enterprise cloud services from providers like Amazon Web Services, Google, and Microsoft Azure.
While enterprise cloud presents security opportunities, it must be configured and maintained correctly for optimal safety. Skinner emphasized the importance of contracts that outline specific cybersecurity standards and provide visibility into providers’ security posture. Companies need to take security seriously at all levels to mitigate risks effectively.