The Marine Corps is expecting delivery this summer of two more Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Craft from an Australian manufacturer. The Whiskey Project Group provided an initial pair of MMRC variants to the Corps for testing earlier this year, in collaboration with the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory. An additional lot of vessels will lead to expanded testing at exercises this year and next, according to Maj. Pat O’Mara.
The MMRC is designed to shuttle both people and sensors to quickly distribute manpower and assist with situational awareness and targeting. Onboard tech includes infrared imagers, navigation radar, and a tethered drone that can act as a variable-height antenna. The Marine Corps aims to push these capabilities to the tactical edge to support the warfighter and extend sensor coverage seaward along the surface of the water.
An MMRC was previously photographed at the Army’s Project Convergence Capstone 4 event, which is the service’s contribution to Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2). This state involves forces across land, air, sea, space, and cyber seamlessly sharing information and coordinating firepower.