The U.S. Marine Corps plans to upgrade systems it already fielded during its Force Design modernization effort, with its fiscal 2025 budget request looking to boost sensing and striking capabilities. The FY25 request includes $4.2 billion for Marine Corps ground procurement, as well as $3 billion more for research and development across its portfolio.
Among these efforts is the move from the NMESIS to a Long Range Fires program with even greater range, with a pause in NMESIS procurement seen in the FY25 request after previous years’ purchases. A new Long Range Fires program picks up where NMESIS leaves off in the budget, with the Corps asking for eight units in FY25 and 46 across the next five years.
The Long Range Fires program is based on the larger Tomahawk missile and will deploy as requested by the Combatant Commander in support of long-range strike missions. In contrast, the NMESIS will hop around theater with highly mobile small units.
In addition to the ground procurement efforts, the Corps also asks for funding for upgrades to its Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar, meant to provide unprecedented reach, volume, and precision for naval forces to project and sustain power deep inland. The Corps’ procurement budget also includes requests for Amphibious Combat Vehicles, Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, and Marine Air Defense Integrated System Increment 1 systems.
Overall, the Marine Corps’ budget for FY25 includes significant funding for modernization efforts across various programs to enhance its sensing and striking capabilities.